There are a lot more options available than just what I discuss in this video. Your local ham radio operators and/or club are great sources of information.   Links to some of…
What is the best and smallest handheld two way radio with the longest range?
Question by dltrink: What is the best and smallest handheld two way radio with the longest range? I’m 24 and have dealt with two-way since I was 9, but need help researching…
What does GMRS/FRS mean in regards to handheld radios?
Question by Raymond P: What does GMRS/FRS mean in regards to handheld radios? In describing hand held portable radios, the catalogs go on about all the features with abreviations ie: GPS (Global…
Can I pick/change the Frequency on a handheld ham radio.?
Question by derrickballa123: Can I pick/change the Frequency on a handheld ham radio.? I work for search and rescue and they do not have a radio to supply for everyone. I was…