While shortwave radio reached its peak of popularity a couple of decades ago during the World Wars, many people still enjoy it today as a hobby (which can also be useful in…
Take care of 2 way radio batteries
If you want to use batteries for 2 way radio for a long period then you need to take care of them properly. Motorola two way radio batteries are to be used…
Q&A: What is a good starter radio for Amateur Radio?
Question by Textbook: What is a good starter radio for Amateur Radio? I just got my Technician License, and are looking for a good starter radio for the 2m band. I don’t…
Attention: Ham radio operators: How to sell or dispose of equipment?
Question by CassandraM: Attention: Ham radio operators: How to sell or dispose of equipment? My father was a ham radio operator for YEARS. He inherited equipment from several family members who passed…
Mobile HAM radio antenna tuning (length) to optomize preformance?
Question by JAA: Mobile HAM radio antenna tuning (length) to optomize preformance? I have a yasue FT 2900R radio and a Workman steel wire antenna ~53″ long (136-174 MHZ 3db gain, it…
Ham Radio Calling Frequencies
Question by john b: Ham radio. Calling frequencies?2? Do ham’s operating on HF really use the calling frequencies shown in the band plans or they call CQ in random frequencies? Best answer:…
Ham Radio Dipole questions?
Question by : Ham Radio Dipole questions? Is there such thing as a full wave dipole? Why a half wave dipole is more often used? Is it more efficient? What about vertical…
What is the Legal Power Output for a Ham Radio Repeater?
Question by L: What is the legal power output for a ham radio repeater? 220 mhz repeater Best answer: Answer by lare The power allowed is set by the frequency coordinator. The…